Isle of Wight Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers


The Isle of Wight Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers meet monthly to share ideas, learn new skills and spin, weave, dye and work with our handspun yarns among like-minded friends. We have experts in many different fibre crafts and help each other. It doesn't matter how experienced or inexperienced you are there is always something for you including help, tuition and guidance in all the disciplines, that's what we are about - passing on these skills to others. We also aim to invite speakers to some meetings during the year [see our Programme]
We meet on the last Saturday of the month at Rookley Village Hall, Highwood Lane, Rookley, IW.  PO38 3NN  See our Programme 
There is no formal meeting in August. 
Meetings start at 10.00 and finish at 4pm, they begin with a short formal meeting followed by coffee, which is provided.  Then there's either a workshop and/or a general work day where we spin, weave or work within our disciplines. Workshops are optional, sometimes it's just nice to have a day of working on your favourite craft, which should be within the disciplines of the guild.
Please bring your own lunch/snacks, tea and coffee is provided. Free Parking is available nearby 
During the summer months there are additional days demonstrating at shows and events around the Island such as The County Show, Chale Show and Wolverton Manor Garden Show.  We take part annually in a successful 'Celebration of Wool' Exhibition at Monkton Arts in Ryde 

Weave Spin Dye

Woven Rug

A lovely example of a weft faced rug by Jacky

Handspun Skeins

A small sample of the variety of skeins produced by our members

Natural Dyeing

Handspun skeins dyed with natural dyes showing the range of colours that can be produced from natural dyes. One of our outdoor dyeing days